Thanks for stopping by, and visiting this website. I already feel so excited to share my passion for healthcare writing with you. This website is an attempt to connect with healthcare enthusiasts/writers/doctors from all over the world and I am very sure that if you are one of them, then you will benefit from the editorials that I have put together, here.
Advent of the web and the fast fading glamour of the print media seem to have defined the writing profession today. A humongous need has risen, however, to organize, collate & publish research based information that is backed by a strong objective.
I firmly believe that a professional writer has a stake in his topic which needs to emerge as the final selling product It requires research, layout and outline which is time consuming and the final writing piece can never be created in a jiffy.
Do drop me a line, if there is anything you want to share with the world, through this website. It will be a great opportunity.
Shahid Akhter Makhfi